For the Website and WTF Meeting Secretaries or GSRs have an obligation to keep DCIG and GSO up to date with any changes to their meeting times, venue , access, chits and zoom details, where this latter is applicable and don’t forget contact names and phone numbers. Thankfully, this generally happens but occasional communication breaks […]
Tag: help
LATEST WTF 2025 Q1 Edition
The Newcomers Public Edition Both editions of the WTF (Where To Find an AA meeting) were sent to the printers in time for the Q1 2025 Intergroup Meeting on Sunday 9th of February at: Park Life Centre Whipton Lane, Heavitree EX1 3DN The current revision date is now 31/01/25 The public edition is available […]
The Online Big Book
View on your Phone, Tablet or PC If you are new to AA or are searching for the answers to a ‘drinking problem’, the link below is to an online version of our AA ‘Big Book’ which has all the answers we need and you can carry it around in your pocket. Read it anywhere […]
Online Meeting List for UK and Europe
The national Website Meeting Finder maintains a list of almost 400 online meetings which are independent of any intergroup or region. About half in the UK and the rest in most West European Countries. To access the list use this link BUT before clicking the link read the note below: When you get to […]
Finding Your Meeting Registration Number (UID)
The DCIG Website List UIDs for Most Meetings Use the Tag Box and select your meeting day and check for the UID after the Postcode or Zoom link. You can then check your UID against the current GSO information via this PDF link: To Be Advised Using the link ‘Download Meeting List. You will have […]
Print your own WTF (meeting finder)
The up-to-date anonymous version of the WTF (Where-To-Find a meeting) is available now as a pdf download. The latest revision date is given underneath the Quarter Months. Besides printing in colour it also looks very nice in Black and White. So, if you have double sided printer, you can print off small batches of foldable […]
Our Website
About the site As many will know, the old site was launched in May 2011 and after 10 years plus, it was much in need of a refresh both in ‘look and feel’ and technically. Consequently, on March 10, 2022 we launched an all-new site which addresses both issues. The new site is much newer […]
Creating a New Group (GSR) Email
At the DCIG meeting (12th Feb 2023), we had a discussion on the GSR email account transfers which accompany the change to a new GSR and the many stressful situations that often ensue. If the new GSR cannot take over the email then the only way forward is to create a new Gmail account. There […]
Need Help Using Our Website ?
How to use An ECLO Guided tour For those new to the DCIG Website or the Internet in general, the Devon Central ECLO offers a 30 minute workshop on Zoom to help introduce you to the site – both content and function. Please email for a date and time.
Running a Hybrid Meeting
First, let us define a Hybrid meeting. This a traditional AA meeting in a room with members present and a secretary running the meeting – all very familiar. Now, if the meeting room has a strong WiFi connected to a good Internet Connection[1] then on the secretaries’ desk we can have two laptops or one […]