Our Website

About the site

As many will know, the old site was launched in May 2011 and after 10 years plus, it was much in need of a refresh both in ‘look and feel’ and technically.  Consequently, on March 10, 2022  we launched an all-new site which addresses both issues.  The new site is  much  newer technology which improves the  adding  and managing of content as well as keeping the site up to date and secure. We believe that most pages will be familiar but also updated with current links and up to date information wherever necessary. All of this ‘slow changing information’ is held in pages, accessed from the menu at the top of each page.  This also gives easy discovery for new visitors and new members. More frequent visitors, primarily engaged AA members, should find navigation, using the Tag Blocks, will give quicker and easier access to fast changing information on meetings and local AA news.

TAGS and Tag Blocks

This is a newer and highly effective way to navigate the site. Most pages will have a Tags Block  as you can see on the right (or below if you are using a phone or tablet).  All the meetings are accessible from the Days Tags at the start of the Tag Block.  These run form ‘1 Sun’ to ‘7 Sat’ and give you complete and fast access to all our meetings on any given day. The tags and categories which they hold will allow  you to find Meetings and News items with ease. So if you are looking for a traditional ( F2F) meeting you just click on the ‘Traditional’  tag and  wherever you are, you will end up on the Meetings and News page with a list of Traditional Meetings (including,  currently 2 Hybrids).  Now entering November 2023 most meetings have reverted to our traditional F2F meeting  but we still have 5 Zooms and 2 Hybrids.  The ‘online’ tag will find the 5 Zooms plus the 2 Hybrids. If you need the latest WTF just click the ‘help’ Tag and then click the link on the WTF post. The same approach will work for Questions for Conference ( QfC) etc. There are tags for the days of the week Sunday to Saturday. These will give you all the meetings for the respective day.  Just have a play and see what you can find and one last thing: for visitors checking for wheelchair access, please use the ‘access tag’ in the Tags Block on the right or at the bottom if using a phone.


If you wanted to see all News Posts then select ‘News’  from Categories dropdown.  The categories will also tell you how many Meetings, News item etc that we currently have. If you want all the Intergroup news click the ‘dcig’ Category.

Tags and Categories help us to find information which changes more frequently to that on pages.

News Ticker

Latest news and meetings changes will appear on the Latest News ‘Ticker’ on the Welcome  and the Resources pages.

And Don’t Forget to try the Search – Its awesome.

The NHS have some interesting data on the impact of Alcoholism. Just type ‘NHS’ and see where you end up!

Feedback and Fault Reporting

Any questions, suggestions or if you find something that is broken or not working please use the Contact US link either here or above on the main menu.

Devon Central Intergroup March 2022


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