How it all began and AA.ORG
AA is a world wide movement of many tens of thousands of local groups of recovering alcoholics which began 85 years ago. In the intervening years the AA program has saved millions of alcoholic lives and prevented great damage to the lives of their families and the wider community. AA has its origins in a meeting between two old friends in New York towards the end of 1934. One was Bill W and the other was Ebby T. They both lived in New York and had been friends from school days in Vermont. They were also long time drinking partners. At that time, Bill had all but given up hope of freeing himself from alcohol when Ebby came to visit with a self evident message of hope and a sober life. Bill was amazed by his friend’s recovery story and his new sober state. Within days Bill had his last drink which was nothing short of a miracle, after years of fruitless attempts to stop. Six months later, in May of 1935 Bill was in Akron where, in order to save his hard won new sober state, he was asked to meet a fellow sufferer Dr Bob S. Thus, with that same message of hope and the prospect of a sober life, in early June of 1935 AA, got under way. The first AA group was in Akron, started by both men in 1935 . Bill W returned to New York to carry on his work in that city which is where AA’s world headquarters is based.
AA in the UK
Here in the UK our General Service Office (GSO) in York has a much fuller history of early AA and
the establishment of AA in the UK
The General Service Office and Website in New York
Today is the official website for the organisation in the US and provides a rich resource for the rest of AA around the world. For more history, information and help, just click the link:
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