01752 791111


0800 9177650

The Chit System

For website visitors and members The chit (confirmation of attendance) system is a scheme providing members with proof of attendance at a particular AA meeting, (issued by a group officer). These can be given by the member to any agency (probation officers/offender managers, social services, health, employment, professional disciplinary bodies, courts/legal representatives or any other body) […]

Cullompton Wednesday Group Hybrid

day: 4 Wednesday 19:30 (1st Weds open)   CHITS Meeting Type: Hybrid (Traditional and Zoom) W3W: ///remarried.plot.joke Access/Address: St Boniface Church Hall 60 Shortlands Lane. EX15 1EW https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88995974004?pwd=SzRYSm9xdnAwb3BOT0FaNGlDMldYQT09 ZOOM meetingid: 889 9597 4004/PW SerenityAA Notes:  Alternate Meetings Near Us – Use the link above And use the filter for Wednesday Map: Town: Cullompton Post Code: EX15 1EW UID: […]